1. S. S. Arslan, “Bandwidth and Rate Allocation Tradeoffs of Source-Channel Coding, Packetization and Modulation in Unequally Protected Multimedia Communication Systems" Ph.d. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, March 2012, Advisor: Prof. Pamela Cosman, Coadvisor: Prof. Laurence Milstein. Available online: here.

Recent Research under Revision:

■ S S. Arslan "Guessing Cost with Stopping: Data Regeneration in Cellular Networks" under revision, IEEE Communication Letters, 2023.

■ S S. Arslan and P.Sinha, "Information Transfer Rates in BCIs: Towards Tightly Integrated Symbiosis," ArXiv 2301:00488. Avialable online: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.00488, Journal of Nueral Engineering, 2023.

  • ■O.B. Guney, C. Aksoy, E. Koc, Y. Catak, S. S. Arslan and H. Ozkan, “An Ensemble of DNNs for SSVEP BCI Spellers without User-Specific Training", Submitted to 29th European Signal Processing Conference, 2021.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan and E. Haytaoglu, “Cost of Guessing: Applications to Distributed Data Storage and Repair". Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2020. under revision. Available Online:https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.06666.

    ■ B. Confais, S. S. Arslan, B. Parrein, “SToN: A New Fundamental Trade-off for Distributed DataStorage Systems," IEEE Trans. Network and Service Management, (under revision) 2021.

    ■ M. Yagan, S. Musellim, S. S. Arslan and H. Ozkan, "A Benckbark Dataset towards Ubiquitous P300 ERP-based BCI Applications",Digital Signal Processing , 2023.

  • Refreed Journals:
  • ■ M. Pourmandi, A. E. Pusane, S. S. Arslan and E. Haytaoglu, "Minimum Repair Bandwidth LDPC Codes for Distributed Storage Systems," in IEEE Communications Letters, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3230263.[pdf]

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, "Optimal Data Decoding Strategies for Product-Coded Sequential Media Recording Via Latin Squares," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 1-11, Jan. 2023. [pdf]

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, and T. Goker. "Compress-store on blockchain: a decentralized data processing and immutable storage for multimedia streaming." Cluster Computing 25.3 (2022): pp. 1957-1968.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, “Array BP-XOR Codes for Parallel MAtrix Multiplication using Hierarchical Computing," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, .vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2050-2066, March 2022, Available Online: https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.11563.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, "Exact Construction of BS-Assisted MSCR Codes With Link Constraints," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 225-228, Feb. 2022.

  • ■ E. Haytaoglu, E. Kaya and S. S. Arslan, "Data Repair-Efficient Fault Tolerance for Cellular Networks Using LDPC Codes," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 19-31, Jan. 2022.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, “Founsure 1.0: Erasure Coding Software Library with Efficient repair and update features," Software X, vol.13, (2021): 100662,. Available Online: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.07409. [pdf]

  • ■ S. S. Arslan and E. Zeydan, "On the Distribution Modeling of Heavy-Tailed Disk Failure Lifetime inBig Data Centers," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, (in press) 2020. [pdf]
  • ■ S. S. Arslan, , J. Peng, and T. Goker. "A data-assisted reliability model for carrier-assisted cold data storage systems." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 196 (2020): 106708. [pdf]

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, R. Jurdak, J. Jelitto, and B. Krishnamachari, (2019). "Advancements in Distributed Ledger Technology for Internet of Things." Internet of Things, [pdf]

  • ■ Reza A., S. S. Arslan, and A. E. Pusane. "On the distribution of the threshold voltage in multi-level cell flash memories." Physical Communication (2019): 100747. [pdf]

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, "A Reliability Model for Dependent and Distributed MDS Disk Array Units," in IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 133-148, March (2019). [pdf]

  • O. Narmanlioglu, E. Zeydan, S. S. Arslan, “"Service-Aware Multi-Resource Allocation in Software-Defined Next Generation Cellular Networks" in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 20348-20363, 2018. [pdf]

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, J. Lee, J. Hodges, J. Peng, H. Le and T. Goker, "MDS Product Code Performance Estimations Under Header CRC Check Failures and Missing Syncs," in IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 14, n. 3, pp. 921-930, Sept. 2014.

  • S. S. Arslan, “Redundancy and Aging of Efficient MDS–Parity Protected Distributed Storage Systems," IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 275 - 285, Mar. 2014. [pdf]

    1. ■S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “Error Event Corrections Using List-NPMLD Decoding and Error Detection Codes," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 3775–3778, July 2013. [pdf]

    2. ■S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker,“Cycle Slip Detection and Correction through Classification of Run Length Limited Code Failures," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 4988–4998, Sept. 2013. [pdf]

  • S. S. Arslan, P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein, “Coded HierarchicalModulation for Wireless Progressive Image Transmission," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.60, no.9, pp. 4299-4313, Nov. 2011. [pdf]

  • S. S. Arslan, P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein, “Concatenated Block Codes for Unequal Error Protection of Embedded Bit Streams," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1111-1122, March 2012. [pdf]

  • S. S. Arslan, P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein, “Generalized Unequal Error Protection LT Codes for Progressive Data Transmission," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 3586-3597, Aug. 2012. [pdf]

  • Conference proceedings:
  • ■ E. Ertekin, B. B. Günden, Y. Yilmaz, A. Sayar, T. Çakar and S. S. Arslan, "EMG-based BCI for PiCar Mobilization," 2022 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2022, pp. 496-500.

  • ■ A. Sayar, Ş. Ş. Arslan and T. Çakar, "SSQEM: Semi-Supervised Quantum Error Mitigation," 2022 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), 2022, pp. 474-478.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan and E. Haytaoglu. "Improved Bounds on the Moments of Guessing Cost", Accepted to IEEE International Symposium of Information Theory, 2022.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, , M. Pourmandi and E. Haytaoglu. "Cooperative Network Coding for Distributed Storage using Base Stations with Link Constraints", Accepted to IEEE International Symposium of Information Theory, 2022.

  • ■ E. Kaya, E. Haytaoglu and S. S. Arslan, " Residual Data Usage in LDPC Codes", Accepted to 2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU).
  • ■ O. B. Güney, E. Koç, C. Aksoy, Y. Çatak, Ş. S. Arslan and H. Özkan, "Adaptive Boosting of DNN Ensembles for Brain-Computer Interface Spellers," 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2021, pp. 1-4.

  • ■ M. Pourmandi, S. S. Arslan, A. E. Pusane, E. Haytaoglu and A. C. Tengiz, "Average Bandwidth-Cost vs. Storage Trade-off for BS-assisted Distributed Storage Networks," 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2021, pp. 1-4.
  • ■ S. S. Arslan and E. Haytaoglu, “Cost of Guessing: Applications to Data Repair," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 2194-2198.

  • ■E. Kaya, E. Haytaoglu and S. S. Arslan, “Data Repair in BS-assisted Distributed Data Caching," 28th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2020.

  • ■O. B. Guney, M. Oblokulov and S. S. Arslan, “Fault-Tolerant Strassen-Like Matrix Multiplication," 28th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Gaziantep, Turkey,2020.

  • ■ E. Zeydan and S. S. Arslan, “Cloud2HDD: Large-Scale HDD Data Analysis on Cloud for Cloud DataCenters", 23rd IEEE Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops(ICIN), Paris, France, Feb., 2020.

  • S. S. Arslan, "Distributed Matrix Multiplication with Array MDS BP-XOR Codes for Scaling Clusters,"  IEEE International Conference on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, 2019, pp. 1-5.

  • O. Guney and S. S. Arslan, "Error Correction Output Codes: Overview, Challenges and Future Trends" In Proc. of 27th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Sivas, Turkey, 2019.

  • R. A. Ashrafi and A. E. Pusane and S. S. Arslan, "Kernel Density Estimation for Optimal Detection in All-Bit-Line MLC Flash Memories " In Proc. of 27th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Sivas, Turkey, 2019.

  • S. S. Arslan, "Asymtotically MDS BP-XOR Codes,"  In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Information Theory (ISIT), Colorado, USA, 2018, pp. 1-5.

  • O. Susam and S. S. Arslan, "Parallelization and Performance Analysis of Reversible Circuit Synthesis," In Proc. of 26th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Izmir, Turkey, 2018.

  • R. A. Ashrafi and A. E. Pusane and S. S. Arslan, "Next-Generation Data Storage: Transistor and DNA," In Proc. of 26th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Izmir, Turkey, 2018.

  • ■ I. O. Yigit, S. S. Arslan and E. Zeydan, "A Visualization Platfom for Disk Failure Analysis," In Proc. of 26th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Izmir, Turkey, 2018.

  • ■ G. B. Mermer, E. Zeydan and S. S. Arslan,, "An Overview of Blockchain Technologies:Principles, Opportunities and Challenges," In Proc. of 26th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Izmir, Turkey, 2018.

  • S. S. Arslan, H. Le, J. Landman and T. Goker, "OpenMP and POSIX threads implementation of Jerasure 2.0,"  In Proc. of IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), Istanbul, 2017, pp. 1-5.

  • S. S. Arslan, Turguy Goker and Rod Wideman, “Joint Dedup-Fountain coded Archival Storage System," In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, May 2017.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, B. Parrein and N. Normand, "Mojette transform based LDPC erasure correction codes for distributed storage systems," In Proc. of 25th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, Turkey, May. 2017, pp. 1-4.

  • ■ S. S. Arslan, "Implementation of Multi-threaded Erasure Coding under Multi-Processing Environments", In Proc. of 24th IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Zonguldak, Turkey, 2016. Incomplete version: here

  • S. S. Arslan, “Minimum Distortion Variance Concatenated coding for Scalable Multimedia Transmission," accepted to International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2014 (acceptance rate < 27%) , also available at arXiv:1210.2815v1 [cs.MM] 2013.

  • ■S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “Embedding Noise Prediction into List-Viterbi Decoding using Error Detection Codes for Magnetic Tape Systems," Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Conference on information storage and processing systems, Jun. 24-25, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2013. [pdf]

    1. S. S. Arslan, P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein, "Optimization of Generalized LT Codes for Progressive Image Transfer," VCIP 2012, San Diego, USA. (Finalist, Best Paper Award) [pdf]

    2. S. S. Arslan, P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein, "On hard decision upper bounds for coded M-ary hierarchical modulation," IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems 2011 , Baltimore, MD. [pdf]

    3. ■ M. Hussein, F. Porikli, S. S. Arslan and R. Li, “CrossTrack: robust 3D tracking from two cross-sectional views”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011. Colorado springs, CO. [pdf]

    4. S. S. Arslan, P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein, "Progressive Source Transmissions using Joint Source-Channel Coding and Hierarchical Modulation in Packetized Networks," IEEE Globecom 2009, Hawaii, USA. [pdf]

    Technical Reports/Unpublished papers:
    1. ■ S. S. Arslan, M. Lantz, S. Furrer, G. Spratt and T. Goker, "LTO-9 Technology and user data reliability analysis, " Ultrium LTO UBER Technical Document, 2022. Joint work with IBM Research and HP. Available online: here. Also here.

    2. ■ S. S. Arslan and F. Porikli, "On the Performance of Object/Tumor Segmentation and Contour Tracking for Biomedical Applications", unpublished.

  • Poster presentations & Talks:

  • ■S. S. Arslan “Asymptotically MDS Array BP-XOR Codes for Distributed Data Storage and Coded Computation ", Koc University, Sept. 2013.
  • ■S. S. Arslan “Evolution of Erasure codes for Multimedia broadcast and Large Scale Data Storage", Bahcesehir University, Sept. 2013.
    1. ■S. S. Arslan “Mojette Transform Codes as LDPC Codes in Storage", University of Nantes, June. 2016.

    2. ■S. S. Arslan “Magnetic Tape Recording: Future Projections, Challenges and Quantum’s Research Focus", Bogazici University, Jan. 2013.

    3. S. S. Arslan “Challenges of Tape Recording: Past and Present", Bilkent University, Feb. 2013.

    4. ■S. S. Arslan, J.W. Lee and Turguy Goker, “Error Event Corrections Using List-Noise PredictiveMaximum Likelihood Decoding and Error Detection Codes", 12th IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Chicago, IL. USA, Jan. 2013.

    5. S. S. Arslan, "Novel Ideas in Multiple Description Coding" Network Inf. Thery mini Workshop Calit2, UC San Diego, La Jolla,  June ,2007. 

    6. S. S. Arslan,  P.C. Cosman, and L.B. Milstein "Concatenated Coding for Embedded Bit streams " CWC Research Review, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 2011. 

    The following list of patents are not comprehensible. Please see the appropriate web sites for a full list.

  • ■T. Goker, S. S. Arslan, J. Lee, “Efficient Data storage across multiple storage volumes", pending, U.S patent application publication US 20180136857 A1.

    ■R. Wideman, S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “Data Deduplication with adaptive Erasure Code Redundancy",App. Number: US2015/340691 A1

    ■R. Wideman, S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “Data Deduplication with adaptive Erasure Code Redundancy", US20160013815 A1

    ■Rod Wideman, S. S. Arslan, Jaewook Lee, Turguy Goker, “Doubly Distributed Erasure Codes", Application number: US 14/727,893, Pub. No: 9,431,054.

    ■S. S. Arslan and Turguy Goker, “Efficient high/low energy zone solid state device data storage",
    Application number: US 15/006,403.

    ■S. S. Arslan and Turguy Goker, “Adaptive Erasure Codes ", Application number: US20170033806.

    ■Turguy Goker and Suayb S. Arslan, “High/low energy zone data storage", Application number: US 15/002,656.

    ■S. S. Arslan and Turguy Goker, “Power savings in cold storage", Application number: US 15/002,560.

    ■S. S. Arslan, T. Goker, J. Lee, Hoa Le and P. Kiebach, “Tape layout optimization for reliable ECC decoding based on media defect characteristics", under review by Patents Review Committee.

    1. ■S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “A method and apparatus for header error correction coding for Tape systems", accepted by Patents Review Committee.

    2. ■S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “Bit Error Detection and Correction with Error detection code and List-NPMLD", US 20140173381 A1

    3. ■S. S. Arslan, J. Lee and T. Goker, “A method and apparatus for cycle slip detection and correction using ECC-assisted RLL decoding," pending, U.S. patent office

  • Previous Teaching experience:
  • Courses I am teaching at Sabanci University, MEF University and Quantum Corporation
    1. Digital Systems Design, Computer Architecture, Distributed and Parallel Systems, Probability and Statistics - MEF University, Fall 2015-Fall 2018.
    2. ENS 211 Signals - Sabanci University, Summer 2018.
    3. QTM Fundamentals of Coding Theory - Quantum Corporation, 2014-2015.
  • Teaching Asistant of the following classes at UCSD and Bogazici University:
    1. ECE53A Fundementals of Electrical Engieering I Fall 2009 - Instructor: Cosman, Pamela C.
    2. ECE258B Digital Communications Spring 2008 - Instructor: Milstein, Laurence B.
    3. ECE154A Communications Systems I Fall 2007 - Instructor: Milstein, Laurence B.
    4. EE374 Communication Engineering Spring 2006 - Instructor: Koca, Mutlu .

    See my teaching statement »

    Industry experience:
    1. (Summer 2009) Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory (MERL), Cambridge, MA.. Imaging Group, Supervisors: Dr. Fatih Porikli,
      1. Generation of 3D synthetic video sequences in C& Matlab and Visual Studio.
      2. Image and Video processing algorithm designs, tracking and automatic segmentation.
      3. Optimum clustering, 2D texture coding etc...
    2. (Summer 2011) Quantum Corp., Irvine, CA. Advanced development channel group. Supervisors: Turguy Goker, JW Lee.
      1. Error Event study for NPMLD detectors for increased capacity tape drives.
      2. List NPMLD design and post processing
  • (c)2018 { All the graduate works are supported by. LG Electronics Inc., Intel Inc., the Center for Wireless Communications at the University of California at San Diego, the University of California Discovery Grant Program of the state of California, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant CCF-0915727 and Turkish Research Council - TUBITAK.